The Virginia Environmental Law Journal is not currently soliciting contributions for Volume 43.
When soliciting contributions, we are open to diverse topics and encourage academics, practitioners, policy makers, and law students alike to submit.
Submissions must be unpublished original works that demonstrate quality writing, proper substantiation, clear citation, and thorough legal analysis.
We accept submissions directly by email ([email protected]) or through Scholastica. Please follow the instructions below for specific details on how to submit. If you have questions, please contact submission editors, Elizabeth Putfark ([email protected]) & Kennedy Williams (
In the subject line, please indicate your submission type (e.g. "Article Submission," "Note Submission," or "Essay Submission"), followed by your last and first name in parentheses
Attach a Word file of your submission (.doc or .docx), your curriculum vitae, CV/resume, and an optional cover letter
Please note: we will not disqualify submissions given in other file formats. However, if we accept your submission, we will conduct edits in Word.